How a stray kitten becomes a healthy senior cat.


More and more people are very attracted to baby pets. Falling in love with a stray kitten is lovely. Are you dealing with raising him until his senior age? Don’t forget that you will have to be on his side throughout their all life. They are quite difficult to understand, but you will learn their habits and needs through their behaviour as they grow up.

A stray kitten becomes a house junior.

From birth to his old age, a cat has six stages in his life and not three as we could think ( young, adult and senior).

You certainly noticed that a kitten grows up very quickly. You easily figure out his age at this first stage (from birth to about six months old). It is the development and the discovery of this cute little furry ball. If your kitten is lucky enough to stay with his stray mother for a couple of months, he already learns the basis of life. Human has to take over now. His education and follow are critical to developing his skills and health. Play with your toddler. Let him discover the world. Check his safety and security. If he walks outside, he might lose his way back home or get attacked by other felines, dogs or even Man.                                                                   In the house, teach him where to climb, and not to drop objects. He will learn if you are patient.

Think about a visit to the vet for a checkup, vaccines and eventual sterilization. Food plays a major role in his development and energy.

On the way to being an adult.

Your kitten is now a Junior cat. He looks more like an adolescent than a baby by now. At about six months old, you may consider sterilization. A female will start to be in heat, and the male will run out of home for days and eventually come back in a terrible state after many fights with his mates. The years pass, already three. He reaches his Prime Age and becomes a young adult: healthy, fit and fully grown.

Middle-aged to a senior cat.

Even if your cat still looks fit and active at his Mature stage (seven to ten), he will stay indoors more, so adapt his food. On top of the regular annual check-ups from his early years, you should consider a blood test. An indoor cat tends to become diabetic or can hide some illness even if he seems in good health.

Your companion will enter his Senior age happily and then rich fifteen years, the Geriatric stage.                                                                 

Some changes will show. His sleeping habits will tend to be irregular and longer. Leave him some privacy in a warm and cosy place.

Remember that animals have another way of communicating. He will try to express himself so you can catch his attention. Be aware and listen and you will understand. In the end, your old fluffy cat will feel safe and happy. He will be grateful for your love!

Sophie and Toutsie.

































































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